Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stars and their boring tweets

Had the opportunity to read local newspaper column
inches devoted to boring, pointless drivel from some
tweeters. A "treat". Not. They range from a post about
how someone is accusing someone else of tweeting too much
(that's three layers of pointless, people) to the kind of personal
"details" you avoid by putting your headphones on when
someone tries to bore your ear off on an airplane flight.

In a world desperate for real experience for the past three
decades at least, this is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Apparently new "celebs" are being "created" by twitter, just
'cause they tweet. Hmmm.

Staying tuned; but with online privacy an issue, I'm just
tweeting out loud in the real world so far, to the birds wintering
in the garden . . .

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